Picture: The Man of Law: From the Ellesemere MSS of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canturbury Tales.
In Wykehams Register published in 1896 (page 214)
Sutton, Surrey. - Inst. ds. Robert Peek, pr., to ch. of Suttone of res. of William Ferye. Pats., abb. and conv. of Chertsey. - Highclere, 30 Jan 1397-8.Robert Peek followed William Ferye as Rector of Sutton. William Ferye's patron had been the king and William had come from the church of St Margaret Moses in the city of London. It is posssible that Robert Peek had also come from London.
There was a Robert Peek who was appointed a Common Pleader (Communis Narrator) or Common Sargeant-at-law for the city of London about 1390. His replacement was a John Weston in about 1402. These names and dates come from "Appendix 2, Civic Office Holders of "London in the Later Middle Ages: Government and People, 1200-150" by Caroline Barron. (Oxford).
The position of Common Pleader could have been filled by a clerk in holy orders. The position of Common Pleader was a stepping stone up through a legal career and the living of Sutton may have been a reward for services rendered.
In Wykehams Register published in 1896 (page 235)
Sutton - Barcombe. Inst. William Grenefelde of Bercombe, to ch. of Sutton, Surrey, on exch. with Robert Peek, under comm. to bp. Chicester. Pats, abb. and conv. of Chertsey. - Waltham, 17th February., 1401-2.