The Churchyard Friends held an Extraordinary meeting on Sunday 28th August at 12:30 pm in St Nicholas Church.
The meeting shared some very good ideas for new activities in 2023. These included the possible installation of Interpretation boards for the churchyard that would explain the monuments. These could include the 'orphans' and the 'bomb crater' as well as the Listed Monuments. (with QR codes to audio information).
Other ideas that were shared:
- A nature trail or plant guide for the churchyard. Some to explain the churchyard management and management strategy (may need to liaise with Council contractor).
- An Updated List of Rectors in the Church.
- Create activity sheets for visiting children e.g. "Beasts of St Nicholas" or "Parts of the Church" to help explore the church.
- The pew end sheets should be updated to expand the story of St Nicholas to include people such as Rev Sarah Mullally (Bishop of London).
- Local youth groups (Beavers, Cubs etc) and schools should be contacted to promote the church and churchyard as resources for local history badges
The meeting also elected new members of the committee.
Trish Squires, Ben Singer and Matthew Phillips will join Jeff Richards and John Kerr in steering the group into the new year.